The Jug - Salome Creek
Gila County, Arizona
Uploaded by Bivy Team


02 :47 hrs
5.2 mi
771 ft

Located north of Roosevelt Lake in the Salome Wilderness Area, this scenic granite slot canyon is a challenging adventure that requires lots of swimming and technical canyoneering skills. The journey down the Jug includes lots of wading, multiple swims, a natural water slide, and a waterfall that can be rappelled down or jumped off of depending on water levels. When water is low there is a glue-in bolt above the falls on canyon right that can be used. When water levels are high another option is to make your way out to a small ledge that leads to another bolt site for rappelling down or a great spot to jump from. The ledge can be very slippery so rigging a safety line may be helpful. Be sure to check for sufficient water levels, possible debris, and any rock ledges that need to be cleared when jumping into the water below. The water can be very cold so wearing a wetsuit is needed, especially during the colder months.

2 photos
5 years ago
Dry during summer months