Kaskaskia River - Lake Shelbyville to Moore Bridge
Shelby County, Illinois
Uploaded by Bivy Team


06 :09 hrs
13.7 mi
20 ft
Sea Kayaking

The Kaskaskia River is a tributary of the Mississippi River and is one of the longest rivers in the state of Illinois. The river is very scenic and peaceful, providing excellent opportunity for kayaking and canoeing. This section of the river starts just below the Lake Shelbyville Dam and travels 13 miles to a good take-out spot at Moore Bridge. The river runs through primarily wooded terrain with almost no development giving paddlers a nice outdoor experience with lots of opportunity for viewing wildlife. The river has minimal elevation drop along this section so the river is mostly calm and can be floated by paddlers of all skill levels under normal water levels. The water levels can vary depending on how much water is being released from the dam so check what the USGS gauges are showing before setting out. The put-in is a privately owned boat ramp that collects a small fee for launching.

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