Lake Michigan - 63rd Street to Calumet Boat Access
Chicago, Illinois
Uploaded by Bivy Team


05 :48 hrs
7.3 mi
5 ft
Sea Kayaking

Lake Michigan provides some great paddling opportunity with multiple water trails and access points for kayakers looking to explore the lakefront known for its excellent views of downtown Chicago. There is good access on 63rd street from either the south end of the beach or the Jackson Park Inner Harbor Boat Ramp. Alternate access is also available at Rainbow Beach a few miles south providing paddlers with the option of a shorter trip. The Calumet Boat Ramp at the southern end of the trail provides lots of free parking and great access. The trip can be paddled in either direction and can be done as an out-and-back or a one-way trip. Kayaking on Lake Michigan can be challenging, especially during bad weather, so lots of paddling experience is recommended and checking current conditions is important before heading out.

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