Boone River: White Fox to Albright's Landing
Webster City, Iowa
Uploaded by Bivy Team


03 :45 hrs
8.9 mi
35 ft

This trip has a variety of things to see and do. The put in is right bellow the dam. Before going under the railroad tracks there is a drop creating a large wave in the center of the stream. There are stone exposures along the way. On high water season, you will hear the spectacular roar of a stream waterfall six feet over two limestone ledges. This is a great spot to land and hike up to see more little waterfalls. If you choose to make this trip shorter than it is mapped you can take out near the Briggs Woods Park campground at their cement ramp. Some glacial-erratic boulders protrude above Albrights Bridge. During higher water levels they may look like standing waves from upstream, be watchful, they can easily flip your boat.

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