The Waka Wave
Douglas County, Kansas
Uploaded by Bivy Team


00 :17 hrs
0.7 mi
40 ft

The Waka Wave is a park-and-play spot and is located less than half a mile downstream of the Clinton Lake Dam. Here, the Wakarusa River drops over a five-foot high rock ledge, creating the Waka Wave. This is a very popular spot for boaters for hundreds of miles around. At the recommended water level (1,000 CFS), this is a Class III play-spot. Above 1,000 CFS the wave starts to wash out, as the flow drops below 850 CFS, the hydraulic gradually becomes more intense, at 700 CFS the spot is really sticky, and between 500 and 600 CFS the wave is extremely dangerous. For best results, water levels should be between 850-1,000 CFS. Water conditions change rapidly below the dam. The Waka Wave can be accessed from the Outlet Park area.

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