Potomac River: Dam No. 4 to Harpers Ferry
Washington County, Maryland
Uploaded by Bivy Team


09 :23 hrs
22.2 mi
71 ft

The Potomac is the longest and most diverse river system in Maryland, reaching from the cold, high plateau of the Alleghenys to the broad waters of the Chesapeake Bay and tidewater. This is an attractive section without too much development along the river banks. The first five miles include many easy riffles best enjoyed at low water levels, which expose old fishtrap weirs and low ledges. A few miles downstream you will reach a spot called The Horsebacks where the river weaves through a staircase of tiny ledges that run parallel to the direction of the river. To Shepherdstown is flat and below Shepherdstown, wooded bluffs and the approaching Blue Ridge dominate the scenery. There are some small, ledgy riffles for a short while and the rest of the trip is flat.

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