Galena River - Buncombe Road to Galena
Lafayette County, Wisconsin
Uploaded by Bivy Team


06 :19 hrs
14.2 mi
86 ft

Starting just north of the Illinois border in Wisconsin, this run down the Galena River travels south for almost 14 miles through scenic farmland and forest terrain to the town of Galena. This section is considered the most scenic and popular for paddling due to its clear waters, forested shoreline, and narrow channel creating some nice riffles. The upper half of this run requires a little more skillful navigation and should not be attempted by beginner canoeists, especially during times of high water. There may also be the risk of downed trees and strainers along the river due to the river being narrow along much of the way. The river is only runnable during the springtime and after sufficient rainfall. The take-out for this run is located in the town of Galena but the river does continue on to the convergence with the Mississippi river with multiple access points for paddlers looking to add more distance to their trip.

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