Lewis Lake to east end of Shoshone Lake
Teton County, Wyoming
Uploaded by Bivy Team


10 :31 hrs
11.7 mi
14 ft
Sea Kayaking

For those wanting a backcountry experience, this route is a great option as it leads into Shoshone Lake, a large remote lake that provides scenic views and solitude. Paddlers will travel up the Lewis River Channel until the current becomes too strong and the river may be too shallow to continue paddling. At this point pulling or lining the boat for a mile or so is required. Having the correct rope, gear, and attire is important during this part of the trek. This section can be very demanding depending on current water levels so check with the backcountry office before setting out. Once the pulling section of the river channel is over, the river then settles out and Shoshone Lake will be in view. Paddlers then continue on to Shoshone Lake. There are many reservable campsites located on the south shore of the lake that can be reserved for overnight stay. The trip back down the channel to Lewis Lake is an enjoyable float that requires little paddling. Watch for any obstacles to navigate around including other paddlers pulling boats up the river channel.

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